Inductive Automation Blog

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from Inductive Automation

Ignition 8.1.39: Micro800 Driver, EAM Quality-Of-Life Improvements, Tab Indexing In Perspective Jennifer Faylor Tue, 04/09/2024 - 16:06
Ignition 8.1.39 includes the long-awaited Micro800 Driver, greater freedom and flexibility in the EAM, customizable tab indexing in Perspective, and more.
Ignition 8.1.38: Gateway Network Diagram Updates, Leased License Session Flexibility, Gateway Encryption Keys Jennifer Faylor Tue, 03/05/2024 - 16:58
Ignition 8.1.38 delivers the ability to export Gateway Network Diagrams, flexibility for leased license users, and an exciting new option to boost security.